
Clothing banks and thrift stores provide an assortment of free or low-cost clothing items, depending on donations. These clothing services usually offer clothing, shoes, accessories and household items. In addition, clothing banks and thrift stores may be able to order items for children from other outlets, making them a resource for infant and children’s clothes.

Seneca’s mission is to prevent unplanned pregnancy and make abortion unthinkable through pr...
Mission statement: To house, feed and clothe the homeless both physically and spiritually by prov...
Mission Statement To exalt the name of the Lord Jesus Christ through spiritual, educational and c...
We are an all-volunteer 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Clients are referred to us by other agen...
The Columbus Dream Center (CDC) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization created to restore hope to...
We Christians of St Benedict The Moor Catholic Church in Columbus, Georgia USA, called by the Gos...
Our primary mission is to provide food and clothing to those in great need or in emergency situat...
The purpose of Mission Columbus is “Meeting Needs/Making Disciples” which is a major ...
Goodwill is a life-changing social enterprise that transforms lives and strengthens families and ...
The SafeHouse is our day center that provides emergency needs (meals, clothing, bus passes and ac...
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